Give a Family a Healthier Future
Your donation is an investment in lifelong health

Our Bank Account Number: ES27 2038 1820 2060 0060 2585
Registry of Associations of the Community of Madrid - 39.685

What your donation does...

Hygiene Kit
$ 0

Provide a family with a supply of basic health and hygiene products

Emergency Response
$ 1

Help us have supplies and funds ready to go in case of a weather emergency, fire, or medical case occurs in the settlements

Health Promotion
$ 1

You will ensure that 50 people are able to attend our health promotion workshops

Our Values at Work


We value each and every dollar that is given towards our work. We know the effort and sacrifice that goes into many of the donations we receive. We work to be fully transparent with where our money goes, so each and every donor can see the real impact their donation has.


The opinions of the people we work with matter. In fact, it is what guides our actions. We are not here to impose our own way of doing things, but to adapt to their specific needs. We strive to be of service, and to make a difference for those who find themselves in this situation, based on respect and understanding.

Thank You

Thank you from everyone on our team. Your donations, fundraising, sharing, and volunteering make all the difference for us and for the people we help.


We aim to promote dignity and respect for every person we work with. For this reason, we avoid showing children's faces on our website and in our media. We want to ensure that our actions respect all involved and are not making vulnerable people more vulnerable.

Learn More About Our Projects

Health Promotion

Our health promotion workshops cover a variety of topics, selected based on the needs of the community. Classes include discussions on first aid, chronic illness, vaccines, medical emergencies, women’s health, stigma in the community, child protection, children’s health, mental health and more. Each family that attends our workshops is also provided with connections and resources for further community services if they are required. 

Supply Distribution

Every family in our local community, both from the refugee and host communities are invited to visit our Hygiene Free Shop following our health promotion class. In this shop, families get the freedom to decide what they want to take home. People choose from shelves filled with more than 30 different products including cleaning supplies, hygiene products, accessories, and more. 


Through our broad social media reach, appearances in international media, blog, and Spanish language podcast, we work to advocate for the protection and respect of refugee rights worldwide. We aim to educate people on the current situations refugees are facing, as well as on the harmful laws and practices of governments around the world.